Before your first Scalp Micro Pigmentation treatment, we highly recommend eating a meal prior to the session. Also clients are encouraged to bring a snack and a beverage.

We also provide shaving or hair cutting in house, if needed. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to scheduled appointment. We look forward to helping you achieve your desired look and feel for your particular style. 



During the first four days refrain from any activities that can cause profuse sweating, as this can cause excessive fading. Do not wash or cut the treated areas of the scalp for the first four days after each treatment. You may take a shower but try not to get water on the treated area.

Also make sure that the shower is not hot enough to cause sweating. Refrain from saunas, swimming pools and any excessive sunlight for 28 days after your last treatment. After 28 days you may start to use sunblock and follow long term aftercare procedures.



To see long-lasting results, use AN spf sunblock after the healing process is complete. Here is a list of really good List of choices for sunblock (picked by professionals) If you are out in the sun for extended periods of time please reapply throughout the day accordingly. Unprotected exposure to the sun can and will cause unnecessary and early fading issues.

Be vigilant and protect your treatment. It is also recommended to use body lotion on your scalp such as Aveeno brand periodically so the skin stays vibrant. Following the first 28 days after any treatment you can swim in chlorinated pools without any issues. If you stick to these basic guidelines you will prolong the life of your treatment.